Thursday, July 21, 2011

And the winner of 74th TMS Sports Day is ..

Assalamualaikum. "Melewar!" "Antah!" "Muhamad!" "Raden!", that's all I can hear when the spectators are watching the participants competing for the first place. I didn't enter any of the sports events, cause I sucks in sport. The only sport event I entered was lontar peluru and that was when I am in standard six. That sucks right? And this year's sports day was kinda 'tak best' cause there are no the perbarisan thingy. To be frank, it is kinda hambar, not that superb.

It is my first time, having sports day here, in TMS cause last year when I moved from Putrajaya to Kuala Pilah, the sports events already finished. So, I didn't have the spirit of sports day here in TMS.
    "Sukan tahun lepas best, tak macam tahun ni. Tahun lepas ada macam-macam, best gila!", that was what Sharifah told me. So I can imagine that this year's sports day sure sucks. Although something exciting happened.

Izatti, a friend of mine, was nominated as the a-kind-of-award-that-I-forgot-what-the-name-is-but-got-to-do-with-sports-thingy. Sorry Ati for not remembering what's the award was called. I think it is the Olahragawati, tak silap lah. But by the time when they announced that Ati wins that award, she had gone home. So instead, a form 4 kakak had to take the award for her. 

And so, there many more awards that was given to the participants, but I was so malas to write all off them so I'd only write about Ati. We all students of TMS went back home at 12.05 o'clock. Oppss, did I mentioned the sport house that won today? The last place goes to Rumah Raden, the third place goes to Rumah Muhamad, the second place goes to rumah Antah and the winner of 74th TMS Sports Day is .. Rumah Melewar! WOOHOO, and that was  my sport house! Congratulation to the athletes of Rumah Melewar, you guys are the best!