Saturday, July 9, 2011

I want one, pretty please? 

Assalamualaikum. To be frank, I always wanted a guy bestfriend. I had one, when I was in primary school. And he ends up having a crush on me. I knew it cause he told that to me. Yes, I have a abang angkat, tapi saya nak guy bestfriend. If can, a gay one please. 

The best guy bestfriend criteria :

1. A good friend.
2. Gay.
3. Understanding.
4. Protective.
5. The best brother ever!
6. Mistaken for my boyfiee.
7. Very humorous.
8. Has a crazy and boombastic personality.
9. One smart-ass.
10. Dick head.
11. A little blue minded hahahahahah
12. Veri jambu wan!

I know it is very hard to find a guy bestfriend that fits me well. But I'll try finding one. Hmm, mesti best gila kan kalau ada sorang? I mean, lepak sama-sama, makan sama-sama, buat homework sama-sama, main sama-sama, buat semua benda sama-sama! Alala, sho shweet. Macam couple kan? Usually lah, best friend like this would fall for each other. Lagi lah sweet kan kalau jadi macam ni? But for now, I only have guy friend, not a bestfriend. I want one! Seriously, I don't know why. Maybe because the effect of reading too many teen English novels and watching too many fairytale-like movies. 

And this all bestfriend thingy also goes same for the opposite sex, a gal bestfriend. And to be frank, I don't have besties. Yes, I do have a lot of girl friend, but none of them I had declare as my bestie. Maybe it's because I find it's hard to trust other people other than my self. I admit, I find it hard to give your trust to other people. I don't even trust my self sometimes. And that is called lack of self confidence, aite? Susah lah nak survive kalau self confidence pun tak ada. Tambah-tambah lagi dunia ni penuh dengan orang yang bermacam ragam, lagi lah susah nak trust orang lain. So, the only person that you can hold onto, trust is yourself. Have self confidence, and never let anyone take you down.