This is dedicated to all the broken hearts ♥
Assalamualaikum. First of all, you must read this entry while hearing to my blog's song, that'll make you feel more emotional. Or maybe hear a sad ballad, and try to smile reading this humble post mine. To be frank, I've actually broke many people's heart. And most of them are guys. And just know that I'm really truly sorry for breaking your heart. I didn't mean to do so. It's just sometimes, a girl could be too emotional of a small matter. Eventhough you guys were just playing or maybe joking, but us girl sometimes take those jokes seriously. And always remember to never take easy of us girls feelings. It may hurt your feelings too. And at some points, they may also break your heart, like what I did to some of these people.
When you ask a girl if she is okay and she replied don't worry, you better worry your ass out cause you may did something that is unpleasant towards her. Our girls heart is fragile, handle it with care. DON'T ever play with a girl's heart. And as I say before, never take easy of girls' feeling. You may see her smiling like a retarded monkey, but in the inside, no one knew it but God. Faking smile is the easiest way to hide your scars inside. Easy I say, don't play with us girls' heart. It took only a second to break it, but it may take a whole life to heal the scars left.
This post was written because of this one boy in my school. Okay, clearly, he has a crush on me. He had even asked me to be his girlfriend. At first, well before he told me that he actually likes me, he was all like the flirty type. Then I layan layan dia, cause y'know, when you don't layan layan them, they'll say that you are SOMBONG and aku memang allergic kalau orang kata aku sombong. Urgh, that surely sucks a lot. And then one day I had a fight with Mohamad and started to declare that I am officially single at that moment. And so he was like asking me to be his girlfriend. And he asked that after me and Mohamad had be at peace. I am not even interested in him actually. So then we played to be "sweet couple" and I just saja saja nak main main dengan dia, merajuk lah kononnya. I didn't reply to his chat for like less than 24 hours. He begs me to forgive him. Then suddenly he started to express his feelings towards me. He told me his heart was tore and broke because of my behavior. And he also cried because of me. I was touched actually when he told me that cause no one ever cared so much about me other than my boyfriend.
Just then I realized that I've broke his heart. And I also realized that I've broken many hearts before. People, just know that I'm really truly sorry for ever hurting you or breaking your heart. I didn't mean to do so. I'm just a normal person, and people make mistakes. And please, forgive me with all your heart ♥
Just then I realized that I've broke his heart. And I also realized that I've broken many hearts before. People, just know that I'm really truly sorry for ever hurting you or breaking your heart. I didn't mean to do so. I'm just a normal person, and people make mistakes. And please, forgive me with all your heart ♥
I'm just a normal person, forgive me please ♥