19082011; date that I wont forget. You stole my heart, without giving it back. But that's okay, cause you took care of it. Tomorrow is supposed to be our first month of being together. I know, we did fought and had hard times, but we cope with it together. We had our sweet, cute and also hard moments. I wouldn't forget what you've give me. You make me smile, you make me laugh, all the time. I've hurt you so much lately and that's all because of over thinking. I know I shouldn't have thought so much, but people around me ARE driving me nuts.
Baby, did you remember when the first time you've caught my attention? Literally, I don't even have any interest on you at the first time I saw you. I mean, you're not like other girls' dream guy. But it didn't matter, cause you'd stole my heart. I was blind, and all I can see is your shining heart. I know that you're for me. But if one day we're meant to be separated, I'll take it. Eventhough maybe I couldn't live without you.
So I'm taking this opportunity to wish you a happy first month anniversary sayang! Just know that I really love you and will always do.And please, make me happy and always smile. I don't want to lose you. Don't leave me. Okay, I know I sounds like desperate, so I shall stop it here.
So moving on with the next story. I joined marching group for the celebration of Malaysia Day. My schedule was packed with the marching training. Exhausted but it was payed with a state certificate. Lol and that's all for the marching story.
Keep in your mind:
Don't frustrate about love cause God has made someone for each of us.