Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pumping the pop

I was imaginating on my bed and suddenly a question popped up:

What would you do if your boyfriend got flirted by a other girl and your boy started to pay attention to the girl?

Yep, that was kinda scary. And then in my head I see two girls fighting for the scumbag (the boy) and they were like shouting at each other, letting their dignity down.

For me, if I'm in this condition, I would,
  • First, calm myself. Of course I'll cry my eyes out, maybe for several days.
  • Second, think back what I did to that boy that makes him go to that girl.
  • Third, slow talk with him. If he still deny it, then I'll make my step first.
  • Forth, I'll back off. Maybe other person deserves that boy, and that person is not me.
  • Fifth, try to forget him. I'll maybe cry so damn hard.
  • Sixth, make my self more charming. Get a makeover, and have a transformation.
  • Seventh, flirt with as many guy as I want. And by flirting I mean .. just don't play with people's heart, they'll get hurt.
  • Eighth, find a better guy! Find for a person that really do love me.
  • Ninth, live happily with him. Never break his heart and have a great life.

And so, that's what I'll do if I was stuck in that conflict. I remembered a quote that's suitable for this post,

"If a guy was stuck between two girls, he should choose the second girl. Because if he really love his girl, he wouldn't fall for other girl."

So that's it. Don't throw away your dignity only for a guy whose not worth all your tears. Don't be a bitch, don't play with people's heart. 'Cause someday, karma will hit you.