Saturday, November 10, 2012

Stop. Rewind. Play

Hey. So I guess agak lama aku tak publish any post. So here it goes. I broke up with him. Guess I'm a jerk, no? Aku yang mulakan, tapi last-last aku yang menyesal. Pathetic. Aku tak suka panggil dia ex aku. I'd rather call him my past. Why? Sebab panggilan ex tu seems harsh to me. We actually broke up like almost two weeks ago. Honestly, aku tak pernah rasa macam ni. Like, the feeling of regret. I always say to myself not to ever regret even though you did something regrettable. Tiap-tiap malam, I cried thinking about him. Yesterday supposed to be our 7th month being together. But I just have to cut the being together part because we're no longer together.Frankly, the joy of our love story is unexplainnable. It's just...tremendous! Everything went right. Nothing was wrong. The warmth, the laughter, the sorrow, everything was beautiful. I never wanted to end our relationship. But you gave me hope. The hope that kept me moving on without looking back.

Mohd. Khamarol bin Mazlan is the person who I would want to spend my life with. I wish to wake up and see him beside me. I wish to have you with me forever. Khamarol, you are the person who had bring joy to me. Aku teringat masa aku kena buat this one senam robik show kat satu game rugby. Masa tu baru kenal-kenal je dengan dia. Aku duduk sebelah kawan aku. He took the seat behind me in the bus. He kept on teasing me, pushing my seat and kept on calling me. Tak sekali pun aku toleh kat dia. Malu sebenarnya! Masa first time jumpa, masing-masing jadi malu-malu kucing. Almaklumlah baru bercinta. Hehehe. We didn't talk much. Awkward gila kot! Tapi makin lama aku pandang muka dia, makin aku rasa secure. I'll never let you go no matter what happen. Itu yang aku monolog every time I look at him. He calms me. And I just miss his calmness. Oh how I wish I could turn back time.

So there it goes. I couldn't do nothing more. I can barely breathe. And so I wish I could have a second chance to make things right. But I believe there is hope. The last text that I got from me had given me strength to keep believing. Arigatou, Khamarol for leaving me such an unforgettable story. May you live happily till the day we meet again.