Monday, June 20, 2011

"Ehh, ni 'trend'lah. Kuno betul kau ni."

Assalamualaikum. "Wat lek sap kok lu", a sentence that's  recherché. And why did I say so? Because the sentence is regularly used by rempits and bojans. No need to be offended, cause I talk fact. In this entry, I'm going to nag about Malaysian (more to Malays) teen trends. As for example, I stated it before, rempits and bojans. They are also known as 'Pavi Kids'. Why? Cause they always take pictures with their poyo/ketat faces that is not even pretty as me *flips hair*. Lol no, I was just kidding about that. I mean, they only went to Pavi's entrance in BB to take pictures. They don't even went inside and buy something. That was kinda stupid I guess. No, that is stupid.

Other teen trend in Malaysia is wearing G-Shock watches. Ehh, kalau pakai yang ori tak pe gak. Ni pakai yang local, yang ringan gila tuu. I don't know why, but I think it's annoying when every where I go, I see almost every teens there wears G-Shock. Ehh, hellooooo. Kalau sesuai ngan color kulit tu tak pe lah jugak, ni pakai warna yang agak agak orang tengok kau and panggil kau keling. This is true. I'm talking this as a fashion lover. Yes, you can follow the trend, but let not be keterlaluan, okay?

Next will be Fixie. Okay I know this Fixie thing is kinda lame now cause dah ramai orang pakai kat Malaysia ni. You think owning a Fixie is cool? Well, think again. Okay, memang orang-orang yang ber-MYR yang banyak sahaja yang seslalu pakai Fixie ni. Okay, I get it, YOU'RE RICH. That's from people nowadays perspective, now it's mine. Dah lah nak beli pun satu hal, mahal gilooo, pastu maintenance pulak tinggi. Sanggup ke kau orang guna MYR kau orang semata-mata untuk jadi 'cool'? If you're rich and have MYR the go ahead, own as much as you want, I don't care. Tapi masalah sekarang ni yang tak berapa nak ada MYR dan golongan yang bajet cool. Ehh, tak cool pun lah. Tah pa pe tahh.

Okay, I'm sorry if this entry aggrieved you. Really, I'm sorry. But I am a normal person, I make mistakes. Yes, I admit, I'm a little kuno sometimes. But that doesn't mean that I didn't know anything about trend. "Itu trend lah, ayang perempuan, mana tau benda benda macam ni", Amree once said this to me when I said to him that I didn't like G-Shock watches. It's not like I don't like it, I just don't like people wearing it just to be cool. It's IMPURITY. Please lah people, be yourself. Don't be slave of your surroundings, fight it! Beat it! Biar je apa orang nak kata, asalkan kita jadi diri sendiri, kan?