Saturday, June 25, 2011

Assalamualaikum. Hari ni June 25th and me and my other classmates were supposed to be meeting at a playground on 9.30 a.m. Well, I came up 20 minutes late and only saw a friend of mine there playing the swings alone. ALONE. I mean, I was there 20 minutes late and none of my other classmates showed up until the watch shows 10 a.m. Nasib baik ada 3 orang lagi, kalau tak memang balik lah aku. We were supposed to be discussing about the upcoming Bulan Sains dan Mathematics thingy tapi bila dah ada ramai (lah jugak) classmate tu kita orang pun apa lagi, main macam retarded monkey. Lari sana, lari sini, macam budak baru terlepas dari kurungan. And we played at the playground until we sweat like fuq. But it was fun!

"Cute little monkey; Nur Syuhada"

"'Iyazi and Ajee, on our way to ze waterfall"

"The one and only guy there was Affendi"

After playing and fooling around, we started to discuss about the clothes that we were supposed to make out of recycled things for the opening of Bulan Sains dan Mathematics. Discuss tu sekejap je, and then we went to the public libraray sebab So'Ong nak buat kerja Math dia. We went there and saw ramai lah jugak budak TMS. Mostly form 3 and form 5. Oh, and we also saw a-boy-that-looks-like-Hasif-from-his-back-which-is-not-actually-Hasif. Gabra gila masa tu sebab masa tu aku ngan Dada freehair, and Hasif tu macam agama sikit. Tapi tu bukan Hasif pun.

"This was made by lovely Dada when we were in the library"

"We were on our way to ze KFC"

Next destination was KFC Pilah. Kita orang pergi sana masa lunch, so ramai gila lah orang kat sana. So we went there and makan makan lah. Sambil makan makan tu, sempat lagi la kita orang amik gambar (hehe). And there's one thing that I learn from today's expidition (?), that's true friendship do exist. We just need to find them, with a little effort. Big effort lagi bagus. And so, I will surely miss today.

"This one is credit to little monkey Dada"

"Dada's trying to makan the Sos Chili Thai, and she did it (in ze dream)"

"It rained outside when we were having fun in the restaurant"

"The four of us girls ate Pocketful, only Affendi' ate the Chicken Rice (i guess the name only)"