"Try these tips, it may work out"
Assalamualaikum. Okay, this whole #petuacouple thing had been trending on Twitter (you can search for it on Twitter). And y'all know what, all these tips were actually true. Cik Syamimi Amiruddin (click to navigate to her Twitter account) was the one that made these petua thing trending. She is the 'Doctor Love' for Malaysian Tweet Birds. Believe me, petua tu memang cool gila! Oh, and these are some tips that I copied from Cik Syamimi's Twitter (follow her for more tips) :
# Yknw, fighting makes your relationship lagi strong sbb nobody's perfect. And people make mistakes. So be strong! :)
# Selalu doa yang korg nak relationship korg last forever. That's what I do everynight before tdur. Allah selalu mendengar :)
# Jangan lah game org. Sumpah jangan. Buruk perangai. Karma is a bitch ;) Kena game balik, time tu lah korg menyesal.
# Girls suka kalau bf dorg caring :) Sumpah comel. Especially kalau care psl studies semua. Sumpah lucky spe dpt bf mcm tu.
# Jgn lah terlalu jealous. Over jealous sangat pun tak boleh sbnrnya. Boleh timbul rasa menyampah. Seriously. Trust tu pnting.
# It's fine kalau korg nak control awek atau boyfriend korg. But jangan too protective lah :) Korg pun nak space :)
# Jujuuuuuuur! Itu sumpah penting. Korg kena jujur :)
# Girls, kalau korg rasa tak puas hati dgn boyfriend korg, better bg tahu. Guys tak suka awek dorg simpan masalah.
# Jangan suka biarkan masalah or postpone kan masalah lama lama. Sumpah tak elok. Bawak berbincang :) Slow talk semua :)
# Guys, if awek korg cakap, 'Oh I'm fine. Don't worry.' Better korg menggelabah itik doo. Gentle aku ckp. And alert lah sikit.
Brilliant, I say. Dia ni memang Dr.Love lah kan? And after I read all the petua couple, I realized that if there were misunderstanding between me and Mohamad, I should discuss it with him. Have a slow talk, jangan mintak break terus. And all these tips are making my mind more open, and my mind was refreshed again. Ahh, forget about the past and let just think about the future. Always think positive, and never let your emotion control yourself. Let the brain do the work. And always have your mind relaxed.