Sunday, June 26, 2011

"Dealing with them is the hardest part of all"

Assalamualaikum. Typical Malaysian guys, they're everywhere. Where ever you go, you'll always find them. The hardest part of all is dealing with them. Remember Amree, my 'boyfriend'? Well, he's a typical Malaysian guy. What's the definition? Can we easily search it on Google? Well, try it. But I don't think you'll find the meaning. That's why I am here to wash up your brain and open your eyes more, cause there are something about them that you guys need to know.

Typical Malaysian guys. 3 simple words but a complicated-meaning sentence. Typical Malaysian guys, definition : Malaysian guys that have 'gangs', usually own a motorcycle (eventhough they're still under aged), most of them has girlfriend, successful player, the biggest liar, the most annoying people you'll ever meet etc. Now, that's the definition for typical Malaysian guys. Kinda long isn't it? Well, I guess that's the shortest explanation for typical Malaysian guys. Seriously, it is the shortest one.

Now, let's talk more about them. Yesterday, my sister warns me about these typical guys and said that maybe Amree was one of them. And it took  me a while to think about that. Finally, I got the answer. Yes, he is a typical Malaysian guy. He owns a motorcycle ( I think it's he's ), he has 'a' girlfriends, he is almost a successful player, he is the biggest liar and he is annoying. Only the gang thingy was not confirmed.

Okay, these typical guys always lepaks lepaks with their gangs. Yeah, like the motor gangs you saw on the street. My sister told me a real story about them. She asks a friend of her that would they show their girlfriends messages to their gangs. The friend says yes. And they will also 'play' with them like, "Tah pa pe tah pompuan ni, sayang sayang aku lak". Well, that's kinda rude right? I mean, tak payah lah nak tunjuk kat gang kau tu text yang awek kau bagi, kesian dia. Memang vulgar habis lah kan.

I also hated the player type. Susah sangat ke nak setia pada yang satu? I know, lelaki kalau gatal tu normal, kalau dah nak sangat kat perempuan lain, cakap je lah, tak payah lah nak tikam belakang girlfriend kau tu. Aku bercakap melalui pengalaman. Yes, Amree had cheated on me. With a girl that's obviously more prettier than me. Well that surely sucks. And then, kalau orang mintak break terus setuju tak pe lah jugak, ni merayu-rayu kata I sayang you lah,  I tak boleh hidup tanpa you lah, itu lah, ini lah. Stupid tau tak? Always remember this, if you ever stuck with two persons, choose the second one. Cause if you really loves the first one, you wouldn't fall for the second one. So choose wisely when you're picking your partner.

Aku gila menyampah dengan typical Malaysian guys ni. Tak reti nak jaga hati orang, tapi still nak tunjuk diri tu hebat, konon boleh dapat banyak awek keliling pinggang. You think that's cool? EH TAK COOL LANGSUNG PUN LAH. Haram jadah kau sakit kan hati perempuan, buat apa? Lagi banyak musuh ada ah. Tah pa pe je dorang ni. Ini kata-kata aku, kalau korang tak reti nak jaga hati perempuan, jangan mengada nak couple couple segala bagai ni. Kalau kau betul-betul serious and really sayang kan perempuan tu, then go ahead. Please, we girls hearts are fragile. Handle it with care.