A sad title suits my entry for today. Hello, how are you today? I hope you're doing fine. Memories. Even though the person who made the memories bloomed changed, the only thing left was faded memories. I love to take photos, cause they keep so many memories. Songs, the only way you can express what you're afraid to say.
Frankly, I hate confessing. Confessing makes me feel abashed. I know, my life sucks. Talking craps and all sorts of shit stuff on this blog, do you think it's necessary? Well clearly, not for me. But I write that way anyway.
The Beatles, I've always love their songs. The song they wrote, not like nowadays songs; all about having sex and being a hoe. Yesterday; one of my favorite songs from the Beatles. Their song lyrics are amazing indeed. Y'know like,
"Oh ain't she sweet?
Well see her walking down the street
Yes I asked you confidentially
Ain't she sweet?"
The song's title is 'Ain't She Sweet?'. Ain't that title sweet? Oh, and the songs are not the kind of restricted for children to sing along. Nothing about sex, adults contents, stripping, hoes etc. They're the best, trust me.
Actually, today I'm not planning on writing an entry about songs. Well, a little bit about songs, but most about memories. Mr.H, my ex, likes the Beatles too and we sometimes likes to talk about them too. Good times, good times. Well, that was like 5 months ago. Now? All I do is cry.
What about memories with your beloved ones? With your parents? With your siblings? With your friends? With your buah hati? Me with parents; nothing amusing. Me with siblings; everyday I rofl. Me with friends; nothing more than rofl-ing everyday. Me with buah hati; crying all night and ignoring texts.
See what I mean? My life sucks. If you're about to choose between study and socialize, choose study but remember to always socialize.
What about memories with your beloved ones? With your parents? With your siblings? With your friends? With your buah hati? Me with parents; nothing amusing. Me with siblings; everyday I rofl. Me with friends; nothing more than rofl-ing everyday. Me with buah hati; crying all night and ignoring texts.
See what I mean? My life sucks. If you're about to choose between study and socialize, choose study but remember to always socialize.
And so, I wrote a letter for my ex;
"Dear ex,
How have you been? We rarely chat nowadays, right? Well, I know you're busy with your PMR, and I
hope you'll do well. You've moved on, long time ago. That's you, not me. Frankly, I miss you. I missed
sharing stories with you. And I missed how much I meant to you. You're a dumbass for letting me go
easily. You shouldn't have done that. But well, what can I do. Times passes really fast and it's been like
5 months we've broken up. And I see that you have a big crush on someone. Go ahead, move on with
your life. For me, if you're happy, then I'm happy too.
Your ex."
"Dear ex,
How have you been? We rarely chat nowadays, right? Well, I know you're busy with your PMR, and I
hope you'll do well. You've moved on, long time ago. That's you, not me. Frankly, I miss you. I missed
sharing stories with you. And I missed how much I meant to you. You're a dumbass for letting me go
easily. You shouldn't have done that. But well, what can I do. Times passes really fast and it's been like
5 months we've broken up. And I see that you have a big crush on someone. Go ahead, move on with
your life. For me, if you're happy, then I'm happy too.
Your ex."