Expecting for unexpected? Don't.
I had my exams last week and the results were quite low. My Mathematics, History, Bahasa Melayu were all B! Pathetic me. Frankly, I didn't study and prepare well for this exams. I only selak selak those text books. Lucky me for having friends that study before the exams start or not I'm doomed.
Well on the bright side, I managed to get a fullmark on Pendidikan Islam's paper. Yeay for me! But I still don't understand why everytime an exam paper was excellent while others aren't that good. Well I need to study smarter, right?
Throughout my 14 years of life, I expected many unexpected things.
-True friendship, they never exist (unless you live in Narnia or some kind of Neverland).
-Happy endings only happens when you worships to God, and that's when you get to go in the heaven.
-True love? They're only in God's hand.
-I don't believe in 11:11. They say when you wished something on that time (a.m/p.m), your wish may
come true.
And why did I even expect these unexpected things?
-Cause I'm a douche.
-Reading/watching too many romantic/unreality movies/books.
-I have good friends that's always have my back. But also, they got annoyed by me.
I've been living in my fantasy world. Reality sucks. But finally, I'd have to face it. Broken hearts, worthless tears, sluts, they're everywhere! People don't understand me. Yes, their life are more merrier than mine. My life sucks. For seriously, I need life. I mean, a real life like socializing, having friends, being friendly etc. But well, I'm only 14. I still have a long journey (if I not to die young) throughout this life. So don't blame your physical if you don't have any boyfriend, or maybe many friends like hot stuff's do. Be proud of yourself, cause being humble is always better than being takabbur.
Throughout my 14 years of life, I expected many unexpected things.
-True friendship, they never exist (unless you live in Narnia or some kind of Neverland).
-Happy endings only happens when you worships to God, and that's when you get to go in the heaven.
-True love? They're only in God's hand.
-I don't believe in 11:11. They say when you wished something on that time (a.m/p.m), your wish may
come true.
And why did I even expect these unexpected things?
-Cause I'm a douche.
-Reading/watching too many romantic/unreality movies/books.
-I have good friends that's always have my back. But also, they got annoyed by me.
I've been living in my fantasy world. Reality sucks. But finally, I'd have to face it. Broken hearts, worthless tears, sluts, they're everywhere! People don't understand me. Yes, their life are more merrier than mine. My life sucks. For seriously, I need life. I mean, a real life like socializing, having friends, being friendly etc. But well, I'm only 14. I still have a long journey (if I not to die young) throughout this life. So don't blame your physical if you don't have any boyfriend, or maybe many friends like hot stuff's do. Be proud of yourself, cause being humble is always better than being takabbur.